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Lens and Phaver Use Clique’s TLS Oracles to Ensure a High-Quality User Base

Key Results:




Lens handles claimed


Impressions and engagement driven on Twitter


Sybils filtered


  • Sybil Resistance
  • Tracking of off-chain social datasets
  • Significant increase in user engagement


Lens was bootstrapping its early user base and needed to distribute whitelists for Lens handles. Phaver was tasked with a weekly allocation of Lens handles for their user base.


As an on-chain social graph, it was crucial that Lens’ early users were of high quality. The Phaver team faced difficulty in assessing the quality of accounts that were requesting Lens handles.

Another challenge Phaver faced was incentivizing their community to increase engagement on their social platforms.


Clique’s TLS oracles were used to assess the quality and engagement of Phaver’s users on Twitter. Through the oracles, we were able to gain much deeper insights than what was available via the Twitter API. These insights included:

  • Twitter Blue verification
  • Twitter Account Age
  • Twitter Follower/Impression Ratio
  • Twitter engagement with Phaver (Likes, Comments, RTs, over time)

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